TC1073-3.3VCH Datasheet

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TC1073-3.3VCH - 50mA CMOS LDO with shutdown, error output (it can be used as a low battery detector, or processor reset generator) and Vref bypass. Output voltage 3.3 V.

Название/Part No:

50mA CMOS LDO with shutdown, error output (it can be used as a low battery detector, or processor reset generator) and Vref bypass. Output voltage 3.3 V.

Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (TELEDYNE)

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TC1073-3.3VCH и другие

Компонент Описание Производитель PDF
50mA CMOS LDO with shutdown, error output (it can be used as a low battery detector, or processor reset generator) and Vref bypass. Output voltage 3.3 V.
Teledyne Technologies Incorporated
50mA and 100mA CMOS LDOs with Shutdown, ERROR Output and VREF Bypass
Microchip Technology
