MAX6316LUK27CZ-T Datasheet

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MAX6316LUK27CZ-T - Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input,reset output active-low,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold (typ) 2.700V, min reset timeout 140ms, typ watchdog timeout 25.6sec

Название/Part No:

Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input,reset output active-low,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold (typ) 2.700V, min reset timeout 140ms, typ watchdog timeout 25.6sec

Maxim Integrated Products (MAXIM)

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Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input,reset output active-low,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold (typ) 2.700V, min reset timeout 140ms, typ watchdog timeout 25.6sec
Maxim Integrated Products
