MAX6321HPUK-T Datasheet

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MAX6321HPUK-T - 5-Pin lP Supervisory Circuits with Watchdog and Manual Reset

Название/Part No:

5-Pin lP Supervisory Circuits with Watchdog and Manual Reset

Maxim Integrated Products (MAXIM)

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Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 1ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 6.3ms
Maxim Integrated Products
Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 1ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 102ms
Maxim Integrated Products
Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 1ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 1.6sec
Maxim Integrated Products
Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 1ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 25.6sec
Maxim Integrated Products
Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 20ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 6.3ms
Maxim Integrated Products
Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 20ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 102ms
Maxim Integrated Products
Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 20ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 1.6sec
Maxim Integrated Products
Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 20ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 25.6sec
Maxim Integrated Products
Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 140ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 6.3ms
Maxim Integrated Products
Microprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V, reset timeout(min) 140ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 102ms
Maxim Integrated Products
